In a message dated 7/25/00 5:26:41 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< I sucked. Couldn't fly my way out of a wet paper bag.>>

Now wait a minute, don't be so hard on yourself.. Let's ponder the logistics of attempting to fly out of a wet paper bag...

Depending on the type of bag ( handled, elongated, serrated, ,,, etc ) and factoring the SIZE of such a paper bag in order to encompass the entirety of an F4F3, compounding that with the weight the water necessary to saturate said bag, and the tactile forces of the bag clinging to the flight surfaces of the plane ( both bag and plane must be moving at a velocity at least equal to the stall speed of the Wildcat, otherwise, even if you did get out of the bag, you wouldn't technically be flying ) and the potential terminal velocity of such a wet paper bag, I venture to propose that most anyone would have a difficult time under these circumstances. When one begins to consider other ramifications such as trademark infringement lawsuits by the Enterprise Rent A Car company, the whole scenario becomes, to be quite honest, rather frightening....

Everyone paint faces on their paper bag and we'll see if it works.... ( I don't think the AW plane tag algorithm would know what to do with a bunch of airborne bags, so we better plan ahead )